Projects & concepts
These are the ideas and concepts I have developed as a producer and creative entrepreneur.
Dejlig er jorden
A new Danish Christmas Oratory
‘Dejlig er Jorden’ is a newly written Christmas oratorio with music by Andy Pape and libretto by Iben Krogsdal. The work is inspired by B.S. Ingemann’s hymn of the same name and had its premiere in November 2021. With the piece, we wanted to create a Christmas oratorio that was staged as music drama – a new genre that has not been tried before – and take as a starting point the complex and often contradictory emotions that characterize (contemporary) people at Christmas time. The performance received great reviews and a warm reception from the audience. The press wrote:
“Fear of illness, infidelity, loneliness: The newly written Christmas oratorio “Dejlig er Jorden” does not lull the listeners into an illusory notion that the great holiday is pure harmony, on the contrary: On stage the four singing soloists, sonorously backed by the seven man-sized orchestra, takes us back in the pews. They illustrate with voices and bodies the human challenges that simmer under the Christmas tree blanket – both in the individual families and on a wider societal level..”
Jyllands Posten: Kristeligt Dagblad:
The performance will go on tour in Denmark in 2023, and if you are interested in a performance, contact us and/or follow us on Facebook.
A Tone A Life
Aalborg Sange – an impossible project that succeeded!
In 2021 I was a producer and as singing artist on the project ‘A Tone A Life’ for Aalborg Opera Festival. The project aimed to give vulnerable citizens a creative free space, where together with a composer – Michael Betteridge from Manchester – they set tones and words to their lives. The participating groups were Ung Aalborg, Active people with dementia, Kulturvitaminer and music therapy students from Aalborg University. The groups were supposed to meet and sing together, but the country was closed for large periods due to corona, and they could therefore only meet online or in small groups of 5 people. Despite the impossible situation and thanks to the great dedication of the festival and the many people on this project, the project was successfully completed, culminating in the concert “Aalborg Sange”, which was performed live in the Musikhuset in Aalborg during the 2021 opera festival.

Lonely House
An American Collage of Classical Songs
Gershwin, Bernstein, Menotti, Weill! I love the American repertoire and the performance Lonely House was packed with the best songs from this repertoire. I was a project manager, producer and artist on the show, where three lonely people met in a bar and their emotional life magically unfolds during the evening.
Feeling lonely? You’re not the only one!
The performance “Lonely House” lets three lonely existences meet in a bar. They search into themselves, out of themselves, towards each other and from each other, as the soul is given voice through songs, mostly rooted in American classical music culture. Sometimes they also take up plain texts as a comment on their situation, e.g. with excerpts from Marilyn Monroe’s poems and Edgar Lee Masters’ “Spoon River”. It is harsh, but also beautiful, because through the house of loneliness flows a river of longing for enchantment and redemption – “magic”! Maybe life is not always like the dream, but music and song contain in themselves a hope for change. So let’s meet at the bar and toast Gershwin, Weill, Barber, Stravinsky, Menotti, Bolcom, Previn, Adès and Bernstein!
Opera and coffee
When the concerts arrive at your door
‘Opera and Coffee’ is my own unique concert concept – created for the audience who no longer have the opportunity to go out to concerts. These are mainly for an audience in nursing homes and the psychiatry. The concept has been very popular and since the launch I have sung in over 100+ nursing homes and many different psychiatric wards. In collaboration with Aalborg Opera Festival, I made a digital Christmas version of Opera and Coffee – a concert video, which was sent out to all nursing homes in the country in both Christmas 2020 and Christmas 2021 to the delight of residents, staff and relatives.
Innovative projects cannot be implemented without the backing and support of good business partners. I am enriched with the best!